
Social Europe Network calls for a stand against inequality

Jeudi 3 mai 2018

Réunion du Réseau Europe sociale du PSE

Rising inequality is one of the biggest problems facing Europe, and addressing it is at the heart of our fight as socialists and social democrats. This was the conclusion of the PES Social Europe network, which met in Brussels today.

Representatives of PES member parties, social partners and MEPs discussed the rise of inequality, the European Commission’s social fairness package, and how to give priority to social issues in the next EU budget (Multiannual Financial Framework).

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S&Ds slam Merkel’s proposal for ‘Jumbo Council’ with finance and economy ministers as dead-end for Eurozone

Vendredi 20 avril 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Reacting to a proposal made by Chancellor Angela Merkel in a speech to her CDU /CSU parliamentary group on Tuesday to convene a Jumbo Council meeting between finance and economy ministers S&D Group spokesperson on economic and monetary affairs, Pervenche Berès, said: « Not only is Ms Merkel putting a brake on much needed reforms, the one big change to the Eurozone architecture she proposes would lead the Eurozone into a dead-end. Expanding the Eurogroup of finance ministers to include all 19-members of the Eurozone’s economic ministers and charge it with improving economic convergence and ensuring greater competitiveness would continue the one-sided austerity policies. Instead of administering more of the wrong medicine that has wreaked havoc in our economies and societies, the Eurozone finally needs a healthy policy mix.

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Make them say what they pay – European Council must finally act for tax transparency of multinational companies

Mercredi 18 avril 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D Group today demanded that the European Council explains its failure to prepare a position on laws that will ensure corporate tax transparency for multinational companies in Europe. The public Country-by-Country Reporting (pCBCR) Directive has been blocked for over two years by several member states who protect the interests of big multinational tax evaders. The obligation to make public their profits, tax to pay, paid tax and number of employees for each country in which they operate, will hold the biggest companies in the world and all governments to account.

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Monsieur le Président, vous avez le choix de nous montrer que vous êtes un Européen progressiste

Mardi 17 avril 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Le président du Groupe S&D Udo Bullmann a mis au défi le Président français Emmanuel Macron après son discours sur la refondation de l’Europe aujourd’hui au Parlement européen à Strasbourg.

« Marcher au son de l’Ode à la joie sur des tapis rouges entouré d’enfants qui chantent ne sera pas suffisant. L’Europe renaîtra à travers des actions concrètes fondées sur des actions conjointes, responsables et par-dessus tout européennes.

Qui est votre partenaire et avec qui voulez-vous réaliser la renaissance de l’Europe ? », a lancé Udo Bullmann.

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The Selmayr scandal was a disgrace for all EU institutions. Commission must adopt new, more transparent, rules by September 2018 and reassess the post

Mercredi 18 avril 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Following today’s vote in plenary, where an overwhelming majority has approved a compromise resolution on the integrity policy of the Commission, in particular the appointment of the Secretary-General of the European Commission, the S&D Group underlines its deep disappointment with the method used and calls on the Commission to not only come up with new more transparent rules by the end September 2018, but also to reassess the post. The Selmayr scandal has rightly irritated European citizens, embarrassed all the institutions and frustrated those who fight and work for a fair and better EU. This must never happen again.

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Selmayr, le Derrick de l’Europe

Mercredi 18 avril 2018

Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

L’affaire Selmayr, c’est un peu le Derrick des institutions européennes : un feuilleton inintéressant, qui ne devrait pas nous occuper tant des enjeux plus importants sont là, une énergie gaspillée pour une histoire qui ne devrait ni exister ni nous occuper.

Seulement voilà, les conditions de cette nomination sont inacceptables, et même si d’autres urgences sont là, les membres de la délégation socialiste française au Parlement européen sont bien obligés de consacrer du temps à cette affaire, de lutter pour que les règles soient respectées.

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Udo Bullmann: Parts of CDU/CSU still adhere to yesterday’s failed ideas

Dimanche 15 avril 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Ahead of an important debate in the Bundestag, S&D Group President, Udo Bullmann, urged hawks in the conservative CDU/CSU parliamentary group to accept a fully integrated European Monetary Fund (EMF).

Udo Bullmann stated: ”Led by their group vice-president Ralph Brinkhaus, parts of the German conservatives are trying to derail the project of transforming the European Stability Mechanism into a genuine, community method-based European Monetary Fund. This is an ideological attack on the future of the Economic and Monetary Union and disregards the experience of the Euro crisis.

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Selmayr : CDD ou siège éjectable ?

Mercredi 28 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

Hier a eu lieu l’audition tant attendue du Commissaire Oettinger sur l’affaire Selmayr. M. Oettinger – que l’on a connu beaucoup plus pointilleux quand il s’agissait de faire respecter les règles du Pacte de stabilité – a défendu bec et ongles la procédure de recrutement opérée par la Commission européenne, s’enfermant dans un déni absolu.

La démonstration faite par les services juridiques du Parlement européen était pourtant limpide

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It is high time to tax digital multinationals, long-term measures should remain our goal

Mercredi 21 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D MEPs welcome Commissioner Moscovici’s proposal to tax the giant tech companies where their revenues are generated in Europe in a move to prevent tax avoidance.

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament welcome this initiative responding to the growing concern of citizens and members states, but strongly believe that only an agreement on harmonising the corporate tax system will present a lasting solution.

S&D Group spokesperson on economic and monetary affairs, Pervenche Berès, said:

« Past scandals, such as LuxLeaks, have revealed how multinationals exploit loopholes in the member states’ tax systems and pay too little on their benefits.

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S&D Euro MPs pushed towards harmonised corporate taxation to end tax race to the bottom

Jeudi 15 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today, S&D Euro MPs backed a set of proposals to upgrade the tax system in Europe and to ensure that tech giants such as Google and Facebook pay their fair share of tax.

The common corporate tax base (CCTB) together with the common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) offer a new standard for the taxation of multinationals.

S&D Euro MP Paul Tang, who has drafted the report on the common corporate tax base said:

« Tech giants such as Facebook, Amazon and will feel the consequences of this proposal, and it is high time.

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