
It is high time to tax digital multinationals, long-term measures should remain our goal

Mercredi 21 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D MEPs welcome Commissioner Moscovici’s proposal to tax the giant tech companies where their revenues are generated in Europe in a move to prevent tax avoidance.

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament welcome this initiative responding to the growing concern of citizens and members states, but strongly believe that only an agreement on harmonising the corporate tax system will present a lasting solution.

S&D Group spokesperson on economic and monetary affairs, Pervenche Berès, said:

« Past scandals, such as LuxLeaks, have revealed how multinationals exploit loopholes in the member states’ tax systems and pay too little on their benefits.

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S&D Euro MPs pushed towards harmonised corporate taxation to end tax race to the bottom

Jeudi 15 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today, S&D Euro MPs backed a set of proposals to upgrade the tax system in Europe and to ensure that tech giants such as Google and Facebook pay their fair share of tax.

The common corporate tax base (CCTB) together with the common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) offer a new standard for the taxation of multinationals.

S&D Euro MP Paul Tang, who has drafted the report on the common corporate tax base said:

« Tech giants such as Facebook, Amazon and will feel the consequences of this proposal, and it is high time.

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Nomination à la Banque centrale européenne : vous êtes minoritaire, M. De Guindos !

Mercredi 14 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

Le Parlement européen a désavoué aujourd’hui clairement la candidature de l’Espagnol Luis de Guindos – un politique, ardent défenseur de l’austérité et de la rigueur – à la vice-présidence de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE). Il a remporté le vote par 331 voix pour et 306 contre, mais il faut tenir compte des 64 abstentions.

Les membres de la délégation socialiste française au Parlement européen ont voté, avec le groupe S&D, contre cette candidature.

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S&D Euro MPs rejected Luis de Guindos for ECB and urged eurozone leaders for more transparency in the selection process

Mercredi 14 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats rejected the appointment of Luis de Guindos as European central bank’s vice-president during a vote taking place today in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. For several reasons, the S&D Euro MPs were never convinced with the current Spanish finance minister’s candidacy. They called on the president of the Eurogroup, Mário Centeno, the president of the ECOFIN, and the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, to improve the procedure of selection for top jobs in the EU institutions, and urge president Tajani to raise the issue in the EU heads of state and government meeting next week in Brussels.

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Finally some good news from member states on tax. Rules to bolster EU tax transparency are progress

Mardi 13 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today welcome EU finance ministers’ decisions to strengthen tax transparency.

S&D Group vice-president for economic and monetary affairs, Udo Bullmann, stated:

« Today, EU finance ministers have reached an agreement to make lawyers, banks and counsellors accountable for the tax schemes they offered to their wealthy clients in order to evade tax. Led by our Group, Parliament called for the swift conclusion of this file in the council not even two weeks ago and we are happy to have this call answered so quickly.

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More investment will be needed for a sustainable and fair society

Jeudi 8 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

S&D Euro MPs today welcome the Commission’s proposals to step up investments which will help the EU to manage its transition to a low-carbon economy and meet the COP 21 climate change goals.

S&D Group spokesperson for the economic and monetary affairs, Pervenche Berès, stated:

“The Socialists and Democrats are fully committed to putting Europe on the path of sustainable development. Greening the European economy is a priority. It will create more jobs opportunities and ultimately safeguard our planet. However, this will require reforming the financial system in order to redirect capital towards sustainable investments.

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Pittella démissionne de la présidence du Groupe S&D – l’élection présidentielle aura lieu le 20 mars – Grazie Gianni !

Mercredi 7 mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Dans la foulée de son élection au sénat italien, Gianni Pittella annonçait ce 7 mars sa démission de la présidence du Groupe S&D, à l’occasion d’une réunion avec l’ensemble des députés du groupe. Les candidatures à la présidence peuvent être déposées jusqu’au 12 mars 2018 et l’élection aura lieu le mardi 20 mars.

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Commission steps up the fight against member states’ race to the bottom on tax. Harmful tax practices must be rooted out in the EU

Mercredi 7 Mars 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament are pleased that the European Commission is taking account of harmful tax practices in its economic recommendations to member states.

S&D Group vice-president Udo Bullmann and S&D Group spokesperson for economic and monetary affairs, Pervenche Berès, stated:

“For many years, the S&D Group has been calling on the Commission to consider the impact of harmful tax practices in its assessment of the economic performances of member states, in the framework of the so-called European Semester. Today, the Commission has delivered, and this is really good news.

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Europe should adopt an ambitious solution for a fair copyright

Mardi 6 mars 2018

Evénement de l’Intergroupe « Industries culturelles et créatives »

Mardi 6 mars, l’Intergroupe « Industries culturelles et créatives » que je co-préside avec Christian Ehler recevait au Parlement européen une délégation d’auteurs – emmenée par Jean-Michel Jarre-, venue présenter une pétition demandant que soit mis un terme au « transfert de valeur » dont bénéficient certaines grandes plateformes numériques aux dépens des créateurs et apporter leur soutien au travail que nous menons pour une modernisation juste et équilibrée des règles régissant le droit d’auteur.

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