News from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of
Socialists & Democrats
in the European Parliament
06 October 2014
Pittella: Timmermans responsible for sustainable development. A turning point
After days of very tough negotiations, finally the S&D Group reached a turning point. Frans Timmermans, first vice-president of the Commission, will also have the responsibility for sustainable development.
Welcoming this achieved result, the president of the Group, Gianni Pittella stated:
“We have reached a turning point for the new Commission and for Europe; in both political and economic terms.
After tough negotiations, Mr. Juncker agreed to our firm request to add the responsibility of sustainable development to the first vice-president of the Commission, Frans Timmermans.
This means the responsibility for coordinating all portfolios that can make a contribution to sustainable development, including climate action and energy.
This is more than just a commitment or an aspiration of the Socialist and Democrat’s strategy.
“Today, the S&Ds managed to secure a breakthrough victory over the future Commission. We imposed an innovative vision of the economic and social development of Europe. We finally obtained the cooperation of all policies linked to sustainable development and furthermore to the next investment programmes; the two most challenging political priorities for the next Commission aimed to change the direction of Europe and to finally boost growth, encourage development and create new jobs. This has always been our major goal.
“Along with the revision of Navracsics’ portfolio, the major role of Moscovici, and a new shared competence for medicines and medical devices between the directorates for health and consumer affairs (DG SANCO), and enterprise and industry (DG Enterprise), we can say we have contributed to shape a new and different Commission which is much closer to our prerogatives and values. And the battle is not over yet.”