
S&Ds call for urgent investigation of CumEx files scandal, biggest theft of the century, and an end to the hypocrisy of member states’ not cooperating

Jeudi 18 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

55 billion euros have been stolen from EU coffers in the past 15 years and in several member states by an organised group of bankers, according to a research of 19 European media outlets published today. In light of the shocking revelations, S&D Euro MPs are calling for immediate investigation of the scandal, transparent exchange of information and enforcement of the tax and financial regulation. In addition to this, MEPs Jeppe Kofod and Peter Simon requested today a hearing in the TAX3 committee in the European Parliament.

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S&Ds blame the conservatives and the liberals for rejecting ambitious reforms to end blind austerity

Jeudi 18 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&Ds criticised the conservatives and the liberals for rejecting, by a tiny majority, progressive proposals on economic policies for the Eurozone. The report drafted by Costas Mavrides signalled the S&D’s opposition to blind austerity, cohesion funds cuts and the prioritisation of financial markets over EU citizens and it reaffirmed the need for a consistent implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

S&D MEP Costas Mavrides, Parliament’s negotiator on the Economic Policies of the Euro Area file, said:

“Today, it was the day for each political party to show its responsibility towards EU citizens and their true commitment to this European project. By voting against the report, EPP, ECR and ALDE proved today on whose side they stand, and for what. They are ardent supporters of austerity, despite public statements or any social nuances. By rejecting the report they have shown their true colours.

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Golden visa schemes put at risk the EU’s integrity and security and should be banned, say S&Ds

Lundi 15 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today, during a hearing in the financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance committee, S&D MEPs called for more EU wide action to tackle money laundering linked to golden visa schemes in the EU. The S&Ds examined, together with experts from the OECD and Global Witness, the possible money-laundering risks posed by the practice of golden visa programmes.

Four EU member states sell passports and 12 grant residence, mainly to non-EU citizens, in exchange for investment. In the last decade, over 6,000 passports and almost 100,000 residency permits have been issued through golden visas schemes offered by a number of EU member states.

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Why it is important to review the ESAs

Lundi 15 octobre 2018
Interview parue dans Politico
Q and A with Pervenche Berès, ECON’s whip for Socialists and Democrats
— By Philip Kaleta
What are the main challenges the ESAs file faces?
The reason why I am eager to get on with this file … is related to Brexit … We have been negotiating for years now to make sure we have a solid [piece of] EU legislation. The problem is the implementation. The reasons for this are the decisions made at the board of supervisors at the ESAs, where national competent authorities (NCAs) sit at the table. They are making side deals … People are complaining that the ESAs don’t use their full power. But they don’t have the structure to use their power if there is a self-blocking mechanism like the board of supervisors installed, which is very dear to the Germans.

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S&Ds successfully push for raising the EU climate target for 2030 to 55% goal

Mercredi 10 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today, Socialists and Democrats led a cross-party majority in the environment committee in favour of a more ambitious goal for the EU in greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The adopted resolution on the UN climate summit in December, co-drafted by S&D MEP Jo Leinen, calls for an increase of the EU’s 2030 climate target from current 40% to 55% and for a net zero carbon economy in the Union by 2050. The resolution will be put to the vote for the entire European Parliament during the upcoming plenary session in Strasbourg.

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Udo Bullmann and Pervenche Berès: we will not accept to go back to austerity policy

Mercredi 10 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Following today’s publication of the annual report by the European Fiscal Board (EFB) severely criticising the European Commission’s role in the development and implementation of the EU fiscal policy, S&D Group president Udo Bullmann stated:

“We regret that the last EFB annual report is strongly criticising the changes the European Commission applied to its fiscal policies from 2015 onwards in order to mobilise investments and lend support to the recovery of the EU economy. These innovations, which make use of the flexibility in the existing fiscal rulebook, were instrumental in fighting the economic and social crisis in Europe and a key request from the S&D Group. We continue to consider that it has been the right choice to end austerity in the EU.”

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The Parliament wants a 40% reduction of cars’ CO2 emissions by 2030

Mercredi 3 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today the plenary of the European Parliament backed an ambitious report drafted by S&D MEP Miriam Dalli calling for a 40% cut of cars’ and vans’ CO2 emissions by 2030. The goal of the report is to ensure that Europe will lead the world transition towards low and zero-carbon cars instead of importing new technologies.
Despite initial opposition from the right and strong lobbying by traditional carmakers, Miriam Dalli managed to build a parliamentary majority to override the unambitious targets initially introduced by the European Commission.

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TVA réduite sur la presse et le livre numérique : enfin !

Mercredi 3 octobre 2018
Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

Hier les Etats membres ont enfin accepté la mise en place d’une TVA réduite sur la presse et le livre numérique afin de les aligner sur les taux en vigueur dans le monde physique.

En 2011, déjà, et à plusieurs reprises depuis, nous avions obtenu que le Parlement européen demande la fin de la discrimination des taux de TVA sur les produits culturels numériques et l’application de taux réduits. Aussi, les eurodéputés socialistes et radicaux se félicitent que cette revendication de longue date trouve enfin une réponse favorable. L’important, quel que soit le support, est la diffusion du savoir, de la culture, de l’imagination et de la pensée au plus grand nombre.

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It is time for a uniform, simple and flexible VAT system to prevent fraud in Europe, say S&Ds

Mardi 2 octobre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today in Strasbourg, the Socialists and Democrats will present to the European Parliament two files on rules on the value added tax (VAT) system in Europe. Following today’s Council decision and ahead of the debate in plenary, the S&Ds call for a change towards a definitive VAT system that is uniform, simple and flexible. The new rules aim to end ad-hoc derogations and reduce cross-border VAT fraud by €41 billion and compliance costs for businesses by €1 billion.

S&D Group vice-president, rapporteur for TAX 3 special committee and author of the VAT system file, Jeppe Kofod MEP, stated:

“Almost €150 billion were lost in VAT revenue in the EU in 2016 alone, which is the equivalent of the entire annual EU budget. This clearly shows that the VAT system in Europe has reached a breaking point. Europe needs an urgent and comprehensive reform of the current VAT system to combat VAT fraud.

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Rules for investment firms must be more proportionate and risk-sensitive, say S&Ds

Lundi 24 septembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D MEPs today in the economic and monetary affairs committee back two reports on prudential requirements and supervision of investment firms. The review adopted introduces rules for investment firms that are more proportionate and sensitive to their risks. Until today, the vast majority of investment firms were subject to requirements designed for banks. Under the new rules, only large and systemic investment firms would be subject to the same rules as European banks.

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