Mercredi 14 novembre 2018
Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D
Ahead of the publication of the report of the special committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance next week, the Socialists and Democrats are calling for an urgent minimum effective taxation for multinationals and a ban on golden visa schemes in the EU. The draft report will present the findings of the committee and a number of recommendations to fight tax crimes, evasion and avoidance in the EU. The S&Ds have been leading the battle for fairer taxation and against corporate crime in Europe.
S&D Group vice-president & co-rapporteur in the special committee on tax, Jeppe Kofod MEP, stated:
“Diverging national rules and loopholes are enabling large-scale tax fraud, money laundering and VAT fraud that cost EU member states billions of euros in lost tax revenue every single year, as the recent revelations on the CumEx files and the Danske Bank scandal have shown. The VAT gap alone is estimated at upwards of €147 billion a year.
“The draft report of the special committee on tax points to a number of patterns, loopholes and weaknesses in the European anti-money laundering and tax regimes, that enable money laundering in the EU.
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