« Demands by the troika in Greece violate European social values », say S&D Euro MPs

press release


S&D Euro MPs today strongly criticised the austerity measures imposed by the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank and International monetary Fund) in Greece as a direct violation of EU fundamental values and social rights. They will share these concerns during a hearing with Greek Finance minister Giannis Stournaras and Greek Labour minister Ioannis Vroutsis later today in the European Parliament in Brussels.

S&D spokesman for employment and social affairs Alejandro Cercas said:

« Greece is facing an economic disaster and a social catastrophe. What the Troika is asking the Greek people to do is contrary to our European values and fundamental social rights. The Commission, the European central bank and the IMF have crossed the line.

« These basic rights to dignity and social equality are an integral part of our European identity. There cannot be economic development without respect of a strong social dialogue », he added.

S&D Euro MPs condemned the increase in the legal working time and the decision to set the minimum wage for young people (under 25) below the poverty level in violation of the European Social Charter.

This has led to condemnation from the Council of Europe.

Pervenche Berès, chair of the employment and social affairs committee, added:

« At the same time, experts in the European Commission are encouraging member states to fix salaries without any collective negotiation. This is totally unacceptable. »

S&D Group spokeswoman for economic and monetary affairs Elisa Ferreira stressed:

« A lot has been asked of the Greek people. Many sacrifices have been required. But Greece needs time to make the necessary reforms. Following the approval of a new range of austerity measures by the Greek parliament last week, we urged the EU Council to hand over the new aid as soon as possible. Any delay or extra conditions demanded from the Greeks would simply amount to blackmail. »