Employment MEPs delegation to Madrid


During an institutional trip to Madrid, the chairman of the Employment delegation of the European Parliament, Pervenche Berès (S&D, FR), highlighted that Spain needs to put pressure on the Council of Ministers to provide sufficient funds to the EU social assistant budget to reduce unemployment. The country will succeed in its fight against unemployment only if keeps a good social dialogue, added.

« Today we finish a two-day visit to gather information about the measures taken in Spain to reduce the unemployment, especially among young people », said Pervenche Berès. « Our delegation has not come here neither in a control mission nor to impose sanctions, but to know closer the needs of the countries in troubles, and to be able to help them, showing the European Parliament´s determination to contribute to the solutions ».

Social dialogue

« We have found that in all the countries which have implemented the European Social Fund programs to create new jobs, the success is associated with a high quality of social dialogue with trade unions and business organizations. I have the impression that in this country this is a controversial issue. Spain must examine why the quality of its social dialogue is not allowing it to leave the crisis ».

Youth Employment Guarantee

During the press conference, Pervenche Berès emphasized that one of the main instruments to reduce unemployment figures will be the « Youth Employment Guarantee », an European initiative that, starting in 2014, will try to offer an opportunity to continue studying, doing an internship or having a job to all young people under 25, for a four-month period after finishing their studies or becoming unemployed.

« This guarantee is vital, but we must commit sufficient funds to carry it out. Spain has to put pressure on the Council to achieve that one fourth of the budget for cohesion policy for 2014-20 is intended for the European Social Fund », Berès stated.

During the meeting with the Spanish Minister of Employment, Engracia Hidalgo, Pervenche Berès stressed the desire of the European Parliament to distribute most of the economic package for the Youth Employment Guarantee depending on the urgency of the moment, in stead of dividing it per years, something she called « front loading ». « Otherwise, the aid will be too little and come too late », Berès said.

Austerity or growth?

The chairman of the delegation also insisted that « a strategy based on austerity alone can never succeed. The debate between austerity and growth has to be addressed at the next European Council ».

Institutional mission

 The parlamentary delegation travelled to Madrid on 29 and 30 April, led by MEP Pervenche Berès (S&D, FR) accompanied by her fellow MEPs Evelyn Regner (S&D, AT), Siiri Oviir (ALDE, ET), Alejandro Cercas (S&D, ES) and Verónica Lope Fontagné (EPP, ES).

They held meetings with the Secretary of State for Education, José Ignacio Wert; the Education Minister, Monserrat Gomendio; the Employment Minister, Engracia Hidalgo; members of the Commission for Employment of the Spanish Congress, as well as with youth associations and union and business representatives.

For additional information:

María ANDRES, European Parliament – Press Service – Madrid

maria [dot] andres [at] europarl [dot] europa [dot] eu   : (34) 669 409 045 –  : (34) 914 364 730